News (News-Item)
Annual General Meeting - 30th November 2023
2 November 2023

Members of the Society will have already received confirmation of our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 30th November in Romans commencing at 7.00pm.
Proxy Voting
If you wish to vote at the AGM but cannot be there in person, you may apply to appoint someone who will be present to vote on your behalf. Details of this process can be provided on request.
Under Rule 27 of the Club’s constitution, any owner wishing to propose a motion for consideration at the AGM was required to give notice in writing to the Secretary, no late than noon 28 days before the meeting is due to be held. Therefore, the deadline for submitting mations has now past. Each motion to be heard will be carried by not less than two thirds of the members voting
The accounts to 31 May 2023, are in the process of being finalized and should be available prior to the AGM.
All society members are welcome to attend.