News (News-Item)
LED Floodlights
5 March 2024

Another objective in the Board’s 5-year Strategic Development Plan will be achieved in the close season when the existing halogen floodlights will be replaced with a retrofit LED system.
This has only been possible with thanks to a successful application approved by the Premier League Stadium Improvement fund, with matched funding from the National Lottery via Egin.
Replacing the existing floodlights was the main recommendation of an Energy Survey carried out by Severn Wye Energy Agency, that will help to reduce our CO2 emissions by 7.3 tonnes per year and make savings in our annual energy consumption costs.
Advantages of LED System
Some LED systems will consume 50% less energy than a halogen system – that will help to reduce our monthly electricity bills at a time when we will be seeking to replace our existing energy supplier.
Less maintenance is required with LED systems.
We will be able to control the LUX value and turn off 50% of the floodlights for all half pitch use, resulting in reduced consumption and CO2 emissions, plus protecting the environment.
It provides us with the ability to immediately switch lights on and off, without a warm-up or cool-down period.
Installing the LED lights will help to lower both our maintenance & running costs, while minimising the impact they have on the environment as another part of our Green Energy Strategy.